I rather enjoy thinking...
It's nice to see another flash that requires one to think, contemplate, and reflect. Although not really hugely deep or anything, still it does show the grand amount of shlock that's out there. Actually come to think of it, even outside of the world of just animation, it really rings true to the way our culture has so become engrossed with the love of death, violence and hatred; that nobody wants to think about how to become a better person because they'd rather believe they're perfect instead of exacting change. So they'll put down everyone else so they can remain in their cozy space of misery.
Well... maybe I went too indepth on this and that's not what you intended, but I STAND BY MY WORDS!
my rant aside, I really loved the video. It projected the message well (a message lacking from most videos) and had a neat style, good animation, and very fitting music. I gave you a delicious 5 for this fine piece of work.
by the way... do I detect a similarity between the bunny and Foamy the squirrel from Neurotically Yours? If not, then there should be. I.... I've decided. *cough*...