Very cool.
You got some good stuff going there, but I thought I'd give you a little suggestion.
I noticed that the proportions of your characters seemed to change a lot. Not just a little, but a whole lot. And I'm not talking about when you switch to chibi mode.
at the beginning, the guy and the girl have relatively properly proportioned bodies, but then when you switch to that view from the side when they're talking to one another, their heads are a bit too big for their bodies--particularly the girl... her head becomes massive.
So I'd recommend a very quick and easy exercise when you're drawing these characters. Start your drawing with a background layer of stickmen. Just something simple where you can check first that the proportions are relatively correct, before you go ahead and draw out the whole thing.
It will even help making the drawing process a lot easier, and when you're done, you can just delete the stickman layer and it's out of your way.
It's just that having bodies constantly change proportions drastically can really detract from the experience of watching it. And if you can get good at that, then already you should find your cartoons looking more and more like a real anime!
you can use the stickmen for stuff like your raven too. It's really easy to draw a stickbird flying, and when you watch the animation of the stickbird, you'll know really quickly whether you're happy with how it looks or not, and be able to make easy changes. Then you just fill it out and draw over it, and you'll be amazed with the results!
Anyway, that's my recommendation. But all in all, it was pretty good!