You have potential, but you just aren't using it!!
I can easily see that you can draw and put together some good graphics... all you need to learn to do is animate.
You need to have a bit of action going on. Things moving around. Even with the clocks and stuff, although it isn't challenging animation, at least most people have them hopping around and looking at each other and interacting in some way. To see an alien thing sitting in front of a group with a little arrow flicking back and forth very quickly puts a person to sleep.
Also, the topic wasn't really interesting. At least, I didn't pay attention much because he just started rhyming off a long long list of the number of kinds of bugs or whatever. If you want to present informative material, you need to make it MUCH more engaging.
But try your hand at animating. Since you can draw, you can probably animate.. it's not a big step. You're much further ahead than all those who are terrible at drawing but can do all the cool animation techniques, because nothing they produce can ever be any good since one still needs drawing skill.
Hope that helps!